Performance appraisal phrases

1. Ebook: Phrases For Performance Appraisals
New 'phrases For Performance Appraisals' Resource Guide Offers Sample Phrases In Various Categories Of Kpis Used By Professionals To Write Their Performance Reviews...

2. Managers Guide To Performance
Learn How To Manage Your Staff For The Best Results! Simple Step-by-step System...

3. Performance Review Templates
Brilliant E-manual + 8 Bonus Training Mp3s To Teach Managers/supervisors How To Conduct Performance Appraisals...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Performance review phrases learning

This article includes information about performance review phrases learning. If you want more materials that related to performance review phrases learning such as: performance review methods, performance review forms…please ref them at the end of this post.

Performance review phrases learning

The Dark Side of Performance Review Phrases
When you search the net for ready to use phrases for employee performance reviews, you'll find posts of a free list of employee review phrases that will make you laugh – until you realize how vicious these phrases are – and that they come from ACTUAL performance reviews in a large US corporation.
Here are some sample performance review phrases from the "Dark Side of Performance Review Phrases".
1. Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom...and has started to dig.
2. His men would follow him anywhere... but only out of morbid curiosity.
3. I would not allow this employee to breed.
4. This employee is really not so much of a 'has-been', but more of a definite 'won't be'.
5. Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap.
Did you chuckle? I confess, I did.
Sarcastic Phrases: A Guilty Pleasure to a Disinterested Observer but Not to the Targeted Party
But a laugh at someone else's expense comes with a pinch – a twinge that says, "something is not quite right here." Sarcasm is like other guilty pleasures – we indulge against our better nature. It's satisfying to read what we might have said if we weren't so nice, but there's a reason we avoid them in our communication.
Put Sarcasm in Its Place: How Sarcasm Alerts You To Your Need to Speak Strong
While the web is full of sarcastic over-the-top performance review phrases for employee poor performance evaluations, you won't find the opposite – a list of sample over-the-top performance review phrases for the employee whose performance defies description in the positive sense.

Useful materials related to performance review phrases learning


Top performance appraisal materials

1. Phrases For Performance Appraisals
New 'phrases For Performance Appraisals' Resource Guide Offers Sample Phrases In Various Categories Of Kpis Used By Professionals To Write Their Performance Reviews.

2. Managers Guide To Performance
Learn How To Manage Your Staff For The Best Results! Simple Step-by-step System.

3. Performance Review Templates
Brilliant E-manual + 8 Bonus Training Mp3s To Teach Managers/supervisors How To Conduct Performance Appraisals

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