This article includes information
about performance review phrases loyalty. If you want more materials that
related to performance review phrases loyalty such as: performance review
methods, performance review forms…please ref them at the end of this post.
review phrases loyalty
By reading "How to Evaluate an Employee's Loyalty",
you'll learn to assess value and potential retention of your employees.
Additionally, you'll have the framework for developing a plan for retaining
employees and improving the morale of your staff.
Attendance - The first indicator of
employee loyalty is attendance. If an employee doesn't have appreciation for
the time that is assigned for work to be done, they don't have much regard for
the business entity and/or supervisor who is assigning the work. When the
morale of your staff is high, so will be the dedication to getting the work
done and the level of work performance that is given to the task. This is a
clear and simple indicator of employee loyalty
Compliance - Compliance is the 2nd
indicator in understanding the amount of loyalty that your employees have. A
loyal employee should demonstrate a willingness to comply with all policies and procedures. If they
are not compliant or not willingly compliant, it's an indicator that your
employee feels something is wrong and unfair. An employee's concerns about the
necessity to comply with certain policies and procedures are important to
address with a sense of urgency. You want your staff to feel as though you are
an advocate for their morale. You can reference cumlative compliance by
referring to past evaluations.
Confidence - Do your employees
voice confidence in their leadership? If they do, then they will demonstrate
loyalty to the employers. If not, they won't. Job satisfaction survey's will
give you a good point of reference to determine the confidence of your staff.
Competence - Do your employees feel
competent? This is the most important indicator. If your employees know what's
expected of them, have the tools for doing a good job, and feel supported by
the leadership of their supervisors, then they will demonstrate the highest
level of loyalty and performance that they are capable of giving. Competence,
ultimately, will single handedly determine the morale, retention, and loyalty
of your employees. This is more important than pay, benefits, and opportunity
for advancement!
materials related to performance review phrases loyalty
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