Performance appraisal phrases

1. Ebook: Phrases For Performance Appraisals
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2. Managers Guide To Performance
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3. Performance Review Templates
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Performance review phrases customer

This article includes information about performance review phrases customer. If you want more materials that related to performance review phrases customer such as: performance review methods, performance review forms…please ref them at the end of this post.

Performance review phrases customer

When your boss or manager calls and lets you know that you have your performance appraisal planned in a few days time, don't you get the chills? Well, when you are a hardworking person where you would want your work to speak for you, getting a good appraisal is surely something you expect. But many companies and organizations expect a self performance review from the employee, along with their management team submitting an employee performance report as well.

In such cases, even though you have worked hard and are considered to be experienced, your self performance review also plays a major role in getting you that performance appraisal. So, you have to be a good self-evaluator other than being an excellent performer. Well, you will need to use a few self performance review phrases, to describe your achievements, growth and contributions to your employer, which will convince the management that you are deserving. Here's a list for some performance review phrases mentioned below, just for you. Take a look.

Review Examples

While thinking about writing your self-evaluation for performance review, it is very important to have effective phrases and words, so that the impression you make is strong and realistic. There are many ways on how to do a performance review of oneself, and using some good performance review phrases, you can always make it better. These phrases describe you and your work, your achievements and failures, you as a person and an employee, your punctuality, ability to follow rules and meet deadlines, etc.

However, when you are making your performance review, you have to make it sound honest and accurate, and not harsh/negative. You have to use such phrases that your failures and criticism don't backfire but leave an honest remark of your weaknesses. Therefore, make sure you use the following mentioned free performance review phrases in an appropriate manner and give the reader or the employer a precise view about you. Here's a sample of phrases for self performance evaluation segregated according to various areas, take a look.

Time and Attendance Phrases

I am an employee who has fulfilled my responsibilities towards the punctuality rules set by the management, by arriving on time and leaving on time. I plan my break times and make sure not to exceed the given time limit.
I do not have any attendance problems and am prepared to undertake my responsibilities as and when asked to.
I am a reliable employee and carry out all the duties bestowed on me by the company as per the attendance and punctuality.
I never exceed any time limits allotted to me for meetings, breaks, in and out times and respect the time of my superiors, colleagues as well as clients.

Communication and Attitude Phrases

I am able to keep my superiors and colleagues informed about my current and on-coming projects very clearly.
As I believe, I can effectively communicate with my employees and the management, communication being one of my strengths.
I can clearly communicate with my colleagues and employees as they understand my expectations and obtain good results.
Communication wasn't known to be my strongest attribute, but after putting in a lot of hard work, I am sure of improving as a communicator.
Even though I believe I can effectively communicate with my colleagues, I do have a requirement of working harder on communicating my views with the management.

Attitude and Customer Service Phrases

I am a cheerful person and always try to have a smile on my face. By doing this I enjoy my job and help others to do the same.
I am capable to bring a certain level of enthusiasm to the job I enjoy and help my colleagues do the same.
I would be very happy to set a good example before my higher authorities as well as coworkers and support them in their endeavors.
While dealing with clients and customers, I try to maintain a positive attitude and make the project clear.
I enjoy being a calm persona as it helps me deal with difficult situations and make appropriate decisions.
I am always open to customer criticism and try to analyze their complaints, as well as give them positive feedback.
I am a patient and calm employee who likes to understand the needs of the client. Therefore, I can deal with them appropriately and with care.

With these excellent self performance review phrases mentioned above, I am sure you are going to use these in making your review strong and effective. So, go get that appraisal, which you very well deserve.
Useful materials related to performance review phrases customer


Top performance appraisal materials

1. Phrases For Performance Appraisals
New 'phrases For Performance Appraisals' Resource Guide Offers Sample Phrases In Various Categories Of Kpis Used By Professionals To Write Their Performance Reviews.

2. Managers Guide To Performance
Learn How To Manage Your Staff For The Best Results! Simple Step-by-step System.

3. Performance Review Templates
Brilliant E-manual + 8 Bonus Training Mp3s To Teach Managers/supervisors How To Conduct Performance Appraisals

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